Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Adam Walsh Act Essay

The case of six-year old Adam Walsh is perhaps one that will never leave the minds of anyone initially horrified by its details. In 1981 young Adam was kidnapped from a local mall and regardless of tireless efforts by his parents John and Reve Walsh, volunteers, and law enforcement; Adam fell victim to murder. Two weeks after the boy went missing, his decapitated head was located, but his body was never found. This prompted his father John Walsh to start a campaign and legislature policy submission toward more stringent accountability for child crime offenders. â€Å"The murder transformed John Walsh’s life, turning him from a middle-class hotel marketing executive into one of country’s best known advocates for missing children† (Thomas, 2008). In this paper, the initial legislative policy signed into law by President George W. Bush and the current policy addition initiative sought by Mr. Walsh is examined. The Scope of the Initiative With the signing of the initial policy by President Bush in 2006, the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act became law. Aforementioned, the policy directive was to enact tougher laws on child predators however; the policy contains two additional provisions that would violate states’ rights and state policy’s currently in place for adoptive, foster, and relative caregivers. The two provisions contained in the Adam Walsh law are to follow. 1. Modified existing requirements for conducting criminal background checks 2. Created a new requirement to conduct child abuse registry checks of prospective foster and adoptive parents. (Miller, 2007) The policy provisions left the states the discretion of choosing placement however, if those in the household filing for adoption or fostering of the child did not pass the background checks, the federal funding would not be approved. Those in opposition of the provision above were such because the wording of the provision seemingly protected the federal government instead of the child. The popular point of the second provision remains unopposed. â€Å"In addition, they cannot draw down funds for a child placed in a foster or adoptive home where the child abuse and neglect registry check is not  conducted within that State, or requested of another State as required under the new law† (Miller, 2007) One would think the second of the two provisions to the 2006 law would be automatically assumed however, this particular law would come to face even more provisional changes its future. Issues Presented for Provisionary Inclusion Sex Offender Registration Act (SORNA) The Adam Wals h act has several other provisions including Title I, the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act or (â€Å"SORNA†). Under this portion SORNA â€Å"established a new federal sex offender registration framework and SORNA made two major changes to federal sex offender registration policy† (Morse, 2009). This portion of the act is currently in question for the following reasons: 1. Subsection (1) provides registration requires persons convicted of a sex crime under either federal or state law to register. 2. Section 16913provides that a sex offender must register and keep the registration current in each jurisdiction where he or she resides, is an employee, or is a student. (Morse, 2009). Two provisions of the act violate principles of federalism: 1. A provision providing for the civil commitment of sexually violent predators, and a provision creating a new federal â€Å"failure to register† crime for federal sex offenders. 2. Section 4248 authorizes the federal government to initiate civil commitment proceedings against three categories of individuals: (a) Persons in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons (â€Å"BOP†), the federal agency responsible for the custody and care of federal offenders (b) Persons committed to the custody of the United States Attorney General based on incompetence to stand trial Persons against whom all criminal charges have been dismissed solely due to their mental condition (Morse, 2009). Thus, Morse cites the following as challenges to the Adam Walsh act and questions the validity of the act for these reasons: Both provisions target people based on their former federal convictions and impose additional restrictions on them despite the fact that they have completed their federal sentences. Neither provision contains a jurisdictional hook. In sum, both the civil commitment provision and the failure to register provision implicate the question of whether legal federal custody over a person may, without more, serve as the basis of future federal jurisdiction over that person (Morse, 2009). Citing the implications above Congress is considering an impending change to the provisions in the Walsh act that would remove all question of misinterpretation of wording These impending changes would ensure that no violations of civil rights, state rights or federalism are contained therein. Also, â€Å"One scholar has argued the wording of  § 2250(a) (2) (B) is not sufficiently tailored to support SORNA’s constitutionality under the Commerce Clause† (Morse, 2009). According to the Legal Dictionary, the Commerce Clause is defined as â€Å"The provision of the U. S. Constitution that gives Congress exclusive power over trade activities among the states and with foreign countries and Indian tribe†. The aforementioned obviously pertains to the location of the registered offender, and that he or she must register regardless of where they are, if they are a student, on a tribal reservation, or in a foreign country. This as mentioned in the cited Morse document, coincides with what Morse goes on to say in regard to the regulation of criminal activity. Morse states â€Å"Because the regulating criminal activity is primarily the responsibility of the states, many scholars perceive the rapid expansion of the federal criminal law as clashing with federalism values† (Morse, 2009). To date the original funding of all aspects of the Adam Walsh Act is still in place and is to be revisited and potentially revised in 2014. Those who declare portions of the act unconstitutional, such as in Morse’s report cited, now have the opportunity to voice concerns and suggestions. Conclusion The Adam Walsh Act while regulatory and legislative, still requires changes before all parties affected stand united in approval. Whereas Congress could use its spending power to encourage state compliance, not all states would view this as constitutional. There is much to do concerning this act, but the outcome is unpredictable. Current filings to repeal or revise the entire Adam Walsh Act exist such as by Citizens for Change in America, represented by Michael R. Handler. The repeal document cites the AWA as being draconian and going against Due Process and the Bail Reform Act of 1984. Only time will prove the Adam Walsh Act is successful as currently written, but undoubtedly there are changes to come with such opposition and reasoning. Works Cited Miller, J. L. (2007, April). Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006: Issues for Child Welfare Agencies. ChildFocus. Morse, R. (2009, December 1). Federalism Challenges to the Adam Walsh Act. Boston University Law Review, Vol. 89, p. 1753. Thomas, P. (2008, December 17). No ‘Closure’ for Walshes in Son’s Murder Case. Retrieved from ABC Good Morning America: http://abcnews. go. com/GMA/story? id=6478540;page=1

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pneumatology: Spiritual Gifts Essay

There are actually three biblical lists of the â€Å"gifts of the Spirit,† also known as spiritual gifts. The three main passages describing the spiritual gifts are (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; and 1 Corinthians 12:28). The spiritual gifts identified in (Romans 12) are prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, and mercy. The list in (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) includes the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. The list in (1 Corinthians 12:28) includes healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Speaking in tongues – The gift of tongues is one of the temporary â€Å"sign gifts† given to the early Church to enable the gospel to be preached throughout the world to all nations and in all known languages. It involved the divine ability to speak in languages previously unknown to the speaker. This gift authenticated the message of the gospel and those who preached it as coming from God. The phrase â€Å"diversity of tongues† (KJV) or â€Å"different kinds of tongues† (NIV) effectively eliminates the idea of a â€Å"personal prayer language† as a spiritual gift. The apostles were for the most part ordinary men and only a few of them knowing another language other than their own. Even though there are those who teach that the gift of speaking in tongues is no longer a valid gift, in (1 Corinthians 13) we are told that at some time the sign gifts will cease. Some theologians say that the word â€Å"perfect† in verse 10 refers to the completion of the Revelation of God. Others teach that it refers to the resurrection. I believe that God can do whatever He wants. I don’t believe that the way we see this gift portrayed today is neither edifying to the church nor honoring God. If the gifts such as healing and speaking in tongues are still viable today, I believe that the gifts would be used in such a way as to never bring attention or glory to the one who possesses the gift, which is the opposite of what we see today. Even Paul said, â€Å"yet in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may reach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue. (1 Corinthians 14:19) I do believe that the Holy Spirit can lead any one at any time to speak in tongues if required by God to do so, with certain rules to be followed. In today’s churches, I find the rules not to be followed, so therefore I choose to believe it to be misguided and generic at best, due to lack of interpretation. Interpretation of tongues – A person with the gift of interpreting tongues could understand what a tongues-speaker was saying even though he did not know the language that was being spoken. The tongues interpreter would then communicate the message of the tongues speaker to everyone else, so all could understand. â€Å"What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church. If anyone speaks in a tongue, two — or at the most three — should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God. † (1 Corinthians 14:26-28). In this passage Paul gave instructions for orderly worship. In his instructions we are told that if anyone speaks in a tongue, it should be two or three at the most and someone must interpret. What we see in most charismatic churches is contrary to these guidelines. I have visited several Pentecostal churches and have never seen a scriptural display of the gift of tongues. As I said before, if the gifts such as tongues and healing are still viable today, they would be used in such a way as to not draw attention to one person. What I have seen did not edify the church and it did glorify God. The sign gifts were given to confirm apostolic revelation. In â€Å"Theology Today†, Elmer Towns states, â€Å"When constructing a building, it is necessary to erect scaffolding to aid construction. When the building is built, the scaffolding is removed. The sign gifts were the spiritual scaffolding that God used as His authority to build the church†¦When the authority of the written Word of God was complete, God took the scaffolding down. † Whenever I come in contact with someone who objects to my views on tongues I just explain that the Bible spends so little time on the subject yet we spend too much of our time arguing about it. There are several places in Scripture I could take the time to make my views understood, but like many others, why waste the time on it when it does not serve a purpose pleasing to God? Along with the gift of tongues, there are other gifts listed that are still viable and useful and could be used in service to edify the church and bring glory to God. The baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs at the moment of salvation. We are all given the same portion of the Holy Spirit; but the Christian life is all about the Holy Spirit gaining more territory in us. There are three occasions in the book of Acts where speaking in tongues accompanied the receiving of the Holy Spirit—(Acts 2:4, 10:44-46, and 19:6). However, these three occasions are the only places in the Bible where speaking in tongues is an evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit. Throughout the book of Acts, thousands of people believe in Jesus and nothing is said about them speaking in tongues (Acts 2:41, 8:5-25, 16:31-34, 21:20). Nowhere in the New Testament is it taught that speaking in tongues is the only evidence a person has received the Holy Spirit. In fact, the New Testament teaches the opposite. We are told that every believer in Christ has the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Ephesians 1:13-14), but not every believer speaks in tongues (1 Corinthians 12:29-31). The baptism of the Holy Spirit does two things, first it joins us to the body of Christ, and second it actualizes our co-crucifixion with Christ. Being in His body means we are risen with Him to newness of life (Romans 6:4). We should then exercise our spiritual gifts to keep that body functioning properly as stated in the context of (1 Corinthians 12:13). Experiencing the one Spirit baptism serves as the basis for keeping the unity of the church, as in the context of (Ephesians 4:5-6). Being associated with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection through Spirit baptism establishes the basis for our separation from the power of indwelling sin and our walk in newness of life (Romans 6:1-10; Colossians 2:12). Ephesians 4:5-6 (5) one Lord, one faith, one baptism; (6) one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analyzing Film Adaptations From Literature English Literature Essay

Analyzing Film Adaptations From Literature English Literature Essay To this date, the employment of adaptation theories to novels has yet to reach its true potentials’. Although The Harry Potter novel series are popularly known around the globe and has attained the world’s best seller status, sadly, there are not many critical studies relating to its adaptations. Most critics examine and evaluate each adaptation rigorously conforming to the principle of how faithful the adaptation remains to the text. This gives emphasis to the fundamental approach, fidelity. Hypothetically, a critic may naturally compare an adapted film to his or her own interpretation rather than to its source. In such a case, the critic’s view often contradicts with other critics, especially with a novel as complicated as Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. In other words, each reader tends naturally to â€Å"adapt† a book that he or she reads and then think of the novel in a certain way. â€Å"The novel tells the tale of a young wizardâ €  or, â€Å"The novel focuses on the wizardry society in a magical world† or a synthesis of any number of views. Each view, each reading or each adaptation-is unique and remarkable, and none of these perceptions can be considered right or wrong. These perceptions are similar to the ideas presented in a renowned film adaptation article entitled â€Å"The Resistance to Theory†, written by concept theorist Paul De Man. The idea presented by de Man concentrates on the bond between a text and its meaning, ultimately ascertaining that it is unfeasible to attain a definitive meaning for whichever text. De Man stresses that As we can see, adaptation is as old as the film itself and shows no indication of weakening. Greg Jenkins, one of the authors of Kubrick and the Art of Adaptation: Three Novels, Three Films, considers adaptation â€Å"as a presence that is woven into the very fabric of film culture† (Jenkins 8). Even though, Jenkins’s statement is in accor dance with the theory of adaptation but a definite theory does not exist. Scholars and critics constantly excogitate on adaptation, yet they don’t seem to reach a definite conclusion on what constitutes an adaptation to be a success or a failure. â€Å"[Adaptation] represents such a dark and enigmatic thread that it has elicited disparate and sometimes diametric opinions. Even among those who champion faithful adaptations, there is no clear formula concerning how generally to implement the procedure, or afterwards how to evaluate the procedure’s success or failure† (Jenkins 8). The predicament of adaptation depends on many external sources. Plagued by indefiniteness and uncertainties the field of adaptation constantly struggles to address questions such as what is an Author? Who is the author of this work? What is a Text? Which text should be given importance: the novel or the film? Should an adapted film be indebted to its source, if this is true then how is th is possible? Should a film remain faithful to its source? Is an adapted film merely a version of the source text or can it be perceived as an autonomous work of art? Over the years, these and many others questions have endlessly tormented the processes involved in the study adaptation.

Foreign policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Foreign policy - Essay Example Realism was predominant during the Cold War between U.S and Soviet Union and guided the international affairs at the time. Realists are of the view that â€Å"self-interested states compete constantly for power or security† (Walt, 1998, p. 31). States are often in conflict as they struggle for power and dominance in the world order and as long as the balance of power is not maintained, war between powerful states is inevitable. The U.S and Soviet Union during the Cold War were thus fighting for power; U.S wanted to spread capitalism while the Soviet wanted to spread communism and secure its borders.There are various divisions of realism. Classical realists like Hans Morgenthau believe that states innate desire to dominate others is the cause of war while neorealists like Kenneth Waltz believe the reason for war and conflict is that states are just seeking to survive (Walt, 1998 p. 31). Recently new branches of â€Å"defensive† and â€Å"offensive† realists have e merged. Defensive theorists such as Robert Jervis, Jack Snyder and Van Evera believe in power of military in guaranteeing security and for their survival. These states have much faith in military force and exaggerated perceptions of threat thus use force to defend themselves but have no intrinsic interest in military conquest (Walt, 1998 p. 37). Offensive realists like John Mearsheimer on the other hand, believe the conflict arises from state of anarchy. States are thus encouraged to maximize their strengths in preparation for any emergence of revisionist power. This is because realism is based on Marxism which emphasized the role of capitalism in enhancing conflict among nations and whose solution is a revolution. For example, the U.S feels threatened by the rise of China which a socialist nation is and would do anything to maintain its dominant position in international affairs. International organizations such as NATO and UN are only of value if they serve the U.S interests and n ot when trying to equalize affairs among nations. Defensive realist like Evera think that war is not profitable and that in absence of militant forces such as in the post-cold war Europe, there would be peace. However, offensive realists are of the view that great powers are doomed to compete irrespective of internal characteristics hence security competition is inevitable. The U.S role is to act as Global police hence maintain peace in the world. Liberalism Just like realism, its main focus is the states. This theory advocates for cooperation among nations as the only way to end conflicts. Scholars in this field (Michael Doyle & Robert Keohane) do not believe that power is important in international affairs. Instead, they argue for democracy in believe that â€Å"democratic states are inherently more peaceful than authoritarian states† (Walt, 1998 p. 32). The democratic states aspire to be prosperous and as such, avoid being in conflict with each other but rather cooperate for future gains. This was the rationality used by U.S during Cold War to institute democracies all over Europe.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

On the 4th September 2014 the European Central Bank (ECB) cut its Essay

On the 4th September 2014 the European Central Bank (ECB) cut its benchmark interest rate to 0.05%. It will also launch an asset purchase programme, which will buy debt products from banks - Essay Example The policy allows the execution of its tenders in the form of variable tenants that are fixed by the euro system. Another key interest rate is that on the deposit faculty done to the banks that are used to make the deposits overnight with the euro system (Culbertson, 1968). Another key interest rate is the rate in the marginal lending faculty which offers them the credit to bank from the euro system Nonstandard measures are also used in the policy that arose after the financial crisis in 2008. The introduced the policies that are unprecedented in the nature and the magnitude with their main aim in the safeguarding the primary objectives that involves primary objectives in the stabilization of prices and also in the ensuring that the appropriate policies on the transmission mechanism of the money. The monetary brings about the definition of money as the stock of asserts that can be accepted in the making of transactions. The used of the money in the system is brought clearly as the medium that is used in the exchange of goods and services (Culbertson, 1968). Money is valued in the store of value of asserts ion the economy. The medium is a unit of account that makes the ability in the measure of values and prices. The functions of the money in the economy makes it to have policies that will control the supply in the economy. The control of the supply in the economy is done majorly through the central banks. In Europe the European central bank uses different policies in the regulation of the supply. The central bank in Europe reviewed the policies in 2013 and included different values in the policies in the MO there were different assets included which were the total stock and coins in the circulation and includes also the operational deposits of the banks that are held in the central bank. Another asset that is included in the policy is the MO with also the inclusion of deposits that are held residents at banks and also in the building societies

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Membership makeup of this unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Membership makeup of this unions - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to the demographic makeup of these unions, it must be understood that the German unions are almost exclusively made up of individuals that it been within the workforce for a period of time. As such, the average age group that is demonstrated by these individuals is necessarily higher than would be for entry-level employees; represented within the German system as an average age of 43. Comparatively, did the fact that unionization is requirement within the Chinese system, the average age is much lower at 37.5 years of age. It is of course necessary to note the key differential is economies is the fact that the German unionization system is voluntary; although heavily impacted by the extent to which government oversight integrates with economic development (Fitzenberger et al 148). Moreover, with respect to the Chinese system, the Communist party insists that any and all enterprise must necessarily be overseen by and ultimately managed by the state. Although a gre at degree of liberalization is taken place in recent years, the level and extent to which unionization has dropped in China is not indicative of a fully capitalist system. Similarly, with regards to the overall level of minority composition that is represented within these two systems, Germany has a minority representation within the unions of approximately 14%. This is somewhat interesting due to the fact that the minority population Germany only registers around 8%. With respect to the Chinese system, the dynamic is considerably different. Due to the fact that minorities make up only around 8% of the Chinese population, the reality of union representation is surprising. As a result of the fact that the Western regions of China represent the lion’s share of the minorities and due to the fact that these regions are on the whole un-industrialized, the level of union participation among minorities is approximately 2% (Wang 680). Likewise, with regards to the sexes and their ove rall representation within the unions, Germany represents a gender representation of males to females that is nearly 3:1. However, as has been previously discussed, the nature of government involvement within the unions of China means that a much larger precentage of participation by females is realized. Due to this fact, the level of participation among the female population within China is much higher and represents an overall dynamic around 1.5:1. Although it may be assumed that the ratio would be closer to 1:1, the fact of the matter is that no matter how industrialized the economy or the region, there continues to be a differential with regards to the total integration of the workforce based upon males and females. Moreover, with regards to the relatively lower level of female participation within the unions of Germany, this of course can be understood as a dynamic that is the result of the overall percentages of industrial workers that make up the broad majority of union membe rs. Due to the fact that these are traditionally male dominated jobs, the level of female participation within the unions of Germany are necessarily constrained. Work Cited Fitzenberger, Bernd, Karsten Kohn, and Wang Qingwei. "The Erosion Of Union Membership

Friday, July 26, 2019

Visual Persuasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Visual Persuasion - Essay Example In the book entitled, Visual Persuasion: The Role of Images in Advertising written by Messaris (1997), the author explained that visual persuasion is actually a form of exploration of distinct and unique images used in the advertising field. As such, it is relevant to emphasize that the act of being persuaded takes the collaborative effort of the organization persuading and the person/s being persuaded: â€Å"because of the process of co-creation, all persuasion consists of self-persuasion to some degree. We rarely act in accordance with persuasion unless we participate or interact in the process logically and/or emotionally† (Larson, 2010, p. 22). Visual persuasion is undertaken for the purpose of presenting arguments in a clear manner through images that could be appreciated through seeing. In court cases for instance, where visual persuasion is useful, it was emphasized that the benefit of using graphic presentation includes the fact that â€Å"it is cognitively more complete. By showing, as well as telling, throughout the presentation, you are engaging and using more of the jurors’ working attention, causing them to pay more attention, and to notice and see more of your argument† (Broda-Bahm, n.d., p. 4). The presentation shown in Figure 1 attests to this fact. Another benefit noted of visual persuasion is the evidence of greater preparation put into the work; and thereby, apparently increases credibility of the promoter. On the contrary, some visual persuasion strategies which aim to sway the audience into believing a proposed point of view; even against norms or universal standards could be deceiving and manipulative. For instance, Figure 2 allegedly advocated that â€Å"Joe Camel is presented as cool, adventurous, and attractive to women† (Blackmon, n.d., p. 1). Visual persuasion has tendencies to present

Thursday, July 25, 2019

National Womens Law Center Website Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

National Womens Law Center Website Review - Essay Example ile reviewing the site and particularly the athletics section I found information on what a healthy school would look like for girls, the rally for Girls’ sports day and information on how to set up sports club funds. These three topics and how I found the information will be shared below in order to help anyone who may require information about Title IX or athletics information. To find the athletics information I have reviewed anyone can visit the National Women’s Law Center website by using Google or their web address: The site is easy to navigate to any section whether it is about child care, education, employment, or any other information the National Women’s Law Center provides. Under Education and Title IX topics such as affirmative action, athletics, career and technical education, pregnant and parenting students, school reform, sexual harassment and single sex education can be located. Arriving at the site all you have to do is click on our issues, education and Title IX, and then athletics. Concentrating on the athletics section I found information detailing how the law protects women and girls in addition to such things as fact sheets. The fact sheet about healthy schools addresses the needs of a school and how to provide a â€Å"successful, safe, and healthy† environment for all students including girls (National Womens Law Center, 2011). The article creates a list of factors that should be considered like girls at risk, foster girls’ athletics, protecting girls from harassment and bullying, and ensuring transparency with parents and community members (National Womens Law Center, 2011). This information is helpful to anyone who wants to enroll their child in an athletics program or experiences trouble in school. In school sometimes girls can feel that athletics departments concentrate more on boys by providing sports boys enjoy more than girls. A recent blog was started to rally for Girls’ sports day, where more emphasis can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Methodology, Design and Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Research Methodology, Design and Process - Essay Example Nursing practice, like other professions, has constantly been enriched and improved by research critical evaluation strategies. As a result, research critical evaluation involves the most effective means of collecting, analyzing, and evaluating information regarding any aspect in (nursing) practice (Stebbins 2006). The critically generated information becomes the basis of making decision in any field with the aim of improving or filling out the deficiencies that other materials demonstrate. Conducting research is a process that follows specific steps, where in most cases, it has been found seven critical steps are followed. The seven steps are: defining research question, asking for help, developing research strategy and locating resources to use in conducting the research, utilizing the most effective search techniques, reading critically, synthesizing and seeking meaning, understanding the scholarly communication process and citing sources, and lastly, evaluating the sources in the most effective critical way (Stebbins 2006). ... In addition, the review will involve establishing whether the author (s) state explicitly the ideas and information contained in the article; what contribution the article has on the topic it presents; and kind materials presented in the work. This is in addition to how the materials have been expressed and argue about the topic being presented; what alternatives exist in terms of arguing on the materials presented; the available and presentation of theoretical issues in the article; and lastly, the impersonal reaction/argument with regard to the article presented. Quantitative and qualitative research works are both utilized in the nursing practice, with the processes of critique evaluating these two types of information differing greatly. In this research project, critical evaluation of two articles will be conducted whereby, the quantitative critique review will be conducted on an article titled, ‘Measuring self-perceived public health nursing’, while qualitative crit ical review will be conducted on an article titled, ‘Barriers to, and facilitators of post-operative pain management in Iran Nursing’. The third article selected to be used in enriching information for the two articles is the article titled, ‘Delineating the role of a cohort of clinical research nurses in a pediatric cooperative clinical trials groups’. It should be known that the basis of article critical review and evaluation would largely be carried out within the precepts of purpose and objectives of the article, design process, and nature of the article, setting framework of the article, sampling procedure and technique, methods of investigations, research variables, findings, and applicability of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Essay

A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance - Essay Example It launched its slogan in the year 2010; â€Å"Tiles for Everyone.† Topps Tiles PLC have 25 percent share in the ceramic tile industry (Topps Tiles, 2012, p. 3). The annual report of the company revealed that in 2010, Topps Tiles PLC has gained 2 percent more marker share that the last year. This company has three segments: a) Topps Tiles PLC retail operations in UK, b) Tile Clearing House (TCH), and c) Topps Tiles floor store business in Holland. So Topps Tiles PLC has 37 TCH and 275 outlets now. Topps Tiles Holdings is a subsidiary of Topps Tiles PLC, UK, which deals in ceramic tiles and wooden floorings. The company has about 1660 employees. Topps Tiles PLC claims to be the number one ceramic tile supplier or retailer. The mission of the company is to offer value and excellent quality products to its customers. The revenue generated in 2011 was ?175.5 million (MarketLine, 2012b, p. 3-4; The Financial Times Ltd, 2012). Products Topps Tiles PLC offers a wide range of flooring options to its customers. Apart from flooring, products for outdoor paving, tools and accessories for setting the tiles or other flooring options are also sold. They also offer online advice services for assisting customers in a better way. Tiles such as ceramic, porcelain, prestige stone, mosaic, etc are sold for not only floors but also for walls, especially in the bathrooms and kitchens. Specific range of kitchen tiles are there to give an energetic feel to the kitchen, so that cooking no more remains a boring job. Apart from the polished tiles, natural stones are also available for flooring to give an old and rustic look to the house. Special styling products like splash backs are also available. Services like designing, styling, and advice for cleaning and maintaining these floorings are also given by special advisors. Geographical Scopes Topps Tiles stores are located mainly in London and the other cities of UK. Though the company is listed and is counted among the top tile b rands, but geography wise Topps Tiles PLC is confined to UK and its neighbouring areas only. Business Model Topps Tiles PLC follows a hybrid business model as it follows both business to business and business to customer form of dealing. Flooring tiles and stones are sold to real estate and construction companies and also to end users or customers who buy for their homes. It is also sold to very small retail companies who conduct business on a small scale basis. Topps Tiles PLC is a company which follows the sole objective of offering the best quality flooring tiles whether the customer is a business house or an individual, who is purchasing small quantity of products. The motto is to offer value for money. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS The functional analytical tools that are utilized to make strategic judgment in order to estimate the attractiveness of the market are: a) PESTLE Analysis, b) Porter’s Five Force Model, c) SWOT Analysis, d) Strategic Group Mapping, d) Stakeholders Analys is, and e) Risk Analysis. Each of these strategic tools or theories has been discussed and their implications with respect to Topps Tiles Plc are explained below: PESTLE Analysis PESTLE ANALYSIS Factors Analysis Political UK being one of the most powerful and flourishing country in the world has a significant role to play in the international business

The civil War Essay Example for Free

The civil War Essay The beginnings of the American Civil War were born from a disagreement between the Northern and Southern part of the United States of America. The south still believed in slavery and wanted to use it as a normal routine since slave labor constituted a major part of their workforce (Greene 302). The sentiments in the north were much different as they believed that a ban on slavery was only proper and the northerners were willing to make sure that the entire United States took part in this. The southerners did not want such a change to occur and this is when the civil war began. â€Å"Lincoln did not propose federal laws against slavery where it already existed, but he had, in his 1858 House Divided Speech, expressed a desire to arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction. † (Greene 306) The result of the Civil war was the emancipation of the slaves and the abolition of all forms of slavery. The effect, however, is arguable as many cite that the abolition of slavery in itself is a major achievement but more authoritative sources state that it did not totally remove the racism that was to follow (Greene 306). The effects of the Civil War were more local as opposed to the American Revolution. Which One Had a Greater Impact? After reading a number of sources and understanding the situation of the war, I feel that the American Revolution was the biggest achievement for the country and it had a greater impact on the country as well as the world (Greene 309). Even though slavery was also to be eliminated, there was a need for the country to include all the individuals into the decision making of the government. There was a need to provide the individuals with the freedom of speech as well as thought so that they can think the best for themselves. Another effect is that the end of the British Rule over the Americans led a wave of self-determination across the world and showed the other colonized countries that they too could fight for their independence (Greene 310).The Civil War had no such effect on slavery as slavery continued to occur in other parts of the world such as the African Continent. References Blanco, Richard. The American Revolution: An Encyclopedia 2 vol (1993), 1850 pages Greene, Jack P. and J. R. Pole, eds. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the American Revolution (1994), 845pp; emphasis on political ideas; revised edition (2004) titled A Companion to the American Revolution Online Sources Wikipedia. (2007). American Revolution. Retrieved on April 26, 2007 from: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/American_RevolutionWikipedia. (2007). American Civil War. Retrieved on April 26, 2007 from: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/American_Civil_War In Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution, McPherson claims that the Civil War brought about a much more radical change in government than the revolution of 1776. Find sources from this period that would support or challenge this statement. Look closely at the ways the decision to enter the Civil War tested the Constitution and the national sense of unity. Do you believe the country was strengthened or weakened by the Civil War?

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Xhosa-speaking people Essay Example for Free

The Xhosa-speaking people Essay The word Xhosa refers to a people and a language of South Africa. The Xhosa-speaking people are divided into a number of subgroups with their own distinct but related heritages. One of these subgroups is called Xhosa as well. The other main subgroups are the Bhaca, Bomvana, Mfengu, Mpondo, Mpondomise, Xesibe, and Thembu. Unless otherwise stated, this article refers to all the Xhosa-speaking people. Well before the arrival of Dutch in the 1650s, the Xhosa had settled the southeastern area of South Africa. They interacted with the foraging (food-gathering) and pastoral (nomadic herding) people who were in South Africa first, the Khoi and the San. Europeans who came to stay in South Africa first settled in and around Cape Town. As the years passed, they sought to expand their territory. This expansion was first at the expense of the Khoi and San, but later Xhosa land was taken as well. A series of wars between trekboers (Afrikaner colonists) and Xhosa began in the 1770s. Later, in the nineteenth century, the British became the new colonizing force (foreigners in control) in the Cape. They directed the armies that were to vanquish the Xhosa. Christian missionaries established their first outposts among the Xhosa in the 1820s, but met with little success. Only after the Xhosa population had been traumatized by European invasion, drought, and disease did Xhosa convert to Christianity in substantial numbers. In addition to land lost to white annexation, legislation reduced Xhosa political autonomy. Over time, Xhosa people became increasingly impoverished. They had no option but to become migrant laborers. In the late 1990s, Xhosa make up a large percentage of the workers in South Africas gold mines. Under apartheid (a government policy requiring the separation of races), the South African government created separate regions that were described as Bantustans (homelands) for black people of African descent. Two regions—Transkei and Ciskei—were set aside for Xhosa people. These regions were proclaimed independent countries by the apartheid government. Apartheid policy denied South African citizenship to many Xhosa. Thousands of people were forcibly relocated to remote areas in Transkei and Ciskei. The homelands were abolished with the change to democracy in 1994.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Comparison of UK and Indian Cultures

Comparison of UK and Indian Cultures Introduction In this era of globalization in business environment, companies are expanding their business all over the world, i.e. in different countries and each of them with different cultures. One area in particular of growing importance is intercultural management skills. Culture in international business nowadays is recognized to have a major role to play in the international sales, marketing, recruitment, management and mergers. In short, culture is behind everything we do or say. ( Therefore, in the international and multi-cultural business community, there are very much possibilities of misunderstandings which can have a negative effect on the people which will intern affect the productivity of the organization. This complexity requires a manager to adapt in order to offer modern solutions to these problems. ( Culture is: Something shared by all or almost all members of some social group. Something older members of a group try to pass to younger members. Something (as in the case of morals, laws, and customs) that shapes behavior, or structures ones perception of he world. Therefore culture is all that one needs to know in order to be accepted in a society or an organisation which is a sum total of all the beliefs, values and norms shared by a group of people who have been brought up in a society to think, feel, interpret and react in a particular manner. Or it is a human need of adapting to circumstances and transmitting these skills and knowledge to the next generations. It can also be said as culture as mental programming is also crystallization of history in the hands, minds and hearts of the present generation. (Hofstede, 2001). This essay will talk about the cultural difference between India which is my home culture and UK which is the counterpart. I have chosen UK because I have been to UK for my Supervised Work Experience (SWE) and during my stay in UK I never paid attention towards the UK culture dimensions and would now like to analyze with respect to the different models. But before that lets have a look at some customs or values that are followed in these countries: India Hinduism Social freedom amongst the sexes is not appreciated. Use of first name to address people is avoided. The method of greeting depends on the social status of the person you are meeting i.e. if a son is meeting his father usually he greets him by bowing down and touching his feet. Where as educated people, in business meeting shake hands to welcome or greet each other. If invited for dinner one may only have the dinner with the business partner and not the whole family and do not get upset if you host asks you several times to have some more food. It is Indian custom to make sure that the guest does not get up hungry from the table. Also at the table one should use the right hand in passing food as Indian consider left hand as impure. UK: British people are formal, sophisticated, value privacy and are sensitive. Within UK controlled business environment, maintain decorum and avoid casualness in dress and conversation, loudness and shouting is too taboo. Family names and first name are preferred. British people are good negotiators as they are tolerant and good listeners. Fine manners and good etiquette are expected at all social occasions. Gift giving is not a normal custom in UK. (Harris, 2004 Rodrigues, 2001) Hofstede Model Cross-cultural study to find out the differences in national cultures, this was done by Hofstede across 60 different countries which included matched samples of business employees. These studies together identified four independent dimensions of national culture differences. The dimensions explored were Power distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism verses collectivism and Masculinity verses femininity. The first of four dimensions discovered by Hofstede is called power distance. Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful member of an organization or an institution accept and expect that the power is distributed unequally (Hofstede, 2001). The basic problem which is prevalent here is to what extent in a culture the degree of inequality between a less powerful individual and a high powerful individual is expected and accepted. India stands at the 10/11 position in the survey with a score of 77 whereas Great Britain is on the 42/44 position with a score of only 35. (see appendices-) For example During my SWE the service operation head of the whole hotel chain was very friendly, who was also the head of my department. I used to share my personal problems with her and even go out for dinner. This example would be further analyzed in the competencies. The second dimension is labeled as uncertainty avoidance (UA). It refers to the extent a culture or organization prepares its members to feel comfortable or uncomfortable in an unstructured situation (Hofstede, 2001). The issue involved here is the level to which a culture or society would accept strict laws and regulations over uncertainty and risk. Countries or cultures scoring high on UA have long history and the population is homogeneous. Risks even calculated are avoided and new ideas and concepts are difficult to introduce whereas countries on low UA scores are completely opposite. Although there is not much of a difference in the ranks given by Hofstede but still India scores a higher rank than Great Britain, also this dimension does not have a major role in the core competencies.( see appendices-) The third is individualism and collectivism which is the degree to which a culture stress on that right of an individual as compared to those of a group. Countries scoring high on individualism live in the I culture and strive for personal goals and achievements. In such countries it is acceptable to pursue personal goals at the expense of other. Whereas a country scoring low in individualism has the we culture. Individual desires and goal could be suppressed for the good of the group. For Example In UK culture people always consider themselves as an Individual, they are more bothered about themselves even if they belong to same family, whereas in India people consider each other as a part of a group and thats the reason joint families still exist in Indian society. The last one is masculinity and femininity which refers to the distribution of role between the two genders i.e. male and female. Countries with high masculinity are observed to have the following characteristics i.e. Priorities in life for people are achievement, wealth and expansion. Usually people settle conflicts through aggressive means.Women and men have different roles in society. OftenProfessionals in these countries work for longer hours and short vacations. Whereas in counties which are low in masculinity the following is observed. Priorities are the family, relationships and quality of life.Conflicts are usually solved though negotiation.Men and women share equal positions in society. Masculinity/Femininity are equally powerful but in respect to Hofstede, 2006 research both India and UK share common Masculinity culture as in both of these cultures social gender roles are clearly distinct.( see appendices) Halls Model The vital distinction is made by the anthropologist Edward Hall between high and low- context cultures and how these contexts have an effect on communication. In High Context cultures high context communication: information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person with little communication in the explicit words or message and on the other hand a low context culture communication most information is contained in explicit codes, such as words (Harris, 2004). High context cultures depend heavily on the external environment, situations, and non-verbal behavior in creating and interpreting communications. In high context cultures when individuals communicate they try to find out how much the listener knows about what is being discussed. People in high context cultures emphasize on interpersonal relationships, also developing trust is very important factor or step which should be made before starting a business. People are collectivist and work on their intuition rather than on reasons and are more indirect as well as formal. India is high context culture. Whereas in Low Context cultures the environment is less important, and non -verbal behavior is often ignored. While communication is going on the listener knows nothing or little and need to be told about what is being discussed. People in low context cultures emphasize legal documents rather than inter personal relationships or trust. People are individualistic and work based on logical reasoning and not on intuition, also they are direct and informal. UK is a low context culture. For example During my SWE I was asked by my colleague to help her with the work load. Instead of saying I can not, I said it would be difficult. The example would be analyzed in the competencies areas. The second concept given by Hall was to do with the how different cultures structure or manage their time i.e. polychronic verses the monochronic time orientation. The polychronic cultures believe in doing many things at one time and the monochronic cultures believe in doing one task at given point of time and time is subordinate to interpersonal relationships. UK belongs to monochromic culture and India is a polychronic culture. Stereotyping Another important factor or variable that the managers in the organization need to keep in mind is stereotyping. Stereotypes are set of attitudes that causes us to attribute qualities and characteristics to a person based on the group to which that individual belongs. (Harris, 2004) It basically involves categorizing and making perceptions about people based on ones experiences and it guides ones behavior towards that group of people in a particular way. Teamwork A team is a number of persons associated in same joint action, while teamwork is described as cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of persons working together towards the actualization of a goal (Harris, 2004). A hotel firm can only survive if the employees are ready to work and produce an effective team. As each and every operation in the hospitality industry is interrelated to each other. For example front office is depended upon housekeeping department for clean rooms and restaurant is dependent on kitchen for cooking food. Thus in order to have a successful multicultural team member should have complimentary skills and should think in favor of the team.( example see appendices-) Communication All activities involve communication. In the global era different managerial activities like motivating, leading, negotiation exchanging information etc are all based on the manager of one culture to communicate effectively and successfully to people of other cultures. Communication can not only verbal or written but also non-verbal i.e. body language, expressions etc (Adler, 1997). In international Hospitality and Tourism industries language plays a very important role, as both of these industries include direct guest contact; good language and communication skills can either make or break the impression of the organization especially hotels.( example see appendices) Conflict and Negotiation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conflict- A state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash (www.ANSWER.COM) Causes of conflict communication failure personality conflict value differences goal differences methodological differences substandard performance lack of cooperation differences regarding authority differences regarding responsibility competition over resources non-compliance with rules ( These are some of the factors which causes conflict in an working environment of an organization which needed to be resolved through various modes and means Force Negotiate Bargain Avoid Accommodation and Appease (Mead 1998:2005) The most important tool is negotiation whichs is used to resolve conflict Negotiation is a process in which two or more entities come together to discuss common and conflicting interests in order to reach an agreement of mutual benefit (Harris, 2004). In international business negotiation, there can be misunderstanding due the difference in the culture to culture in language, cultural conditioning, negotiation style, approach to problem solving etc. Negotiation plays a very important role in Hospitality and Tourism Industries, such as negotiation on room rate with guests and travel agents in different countries etc. As India belongs to polychromic culture, while taking decisions people from India tend to involve other people (colleagues) into the negotiation process which makes the process longer. This also confirms the stereotype associated with them. This also happens as India a collectivist and high PDI country. Whereas UK which is monochromic culture they see time as an asset and quantity to be scheduled, they emphasize on making agendas and finish the work or taking the decision in time. Negotiation can also be effected by the communication style of the country i.e. as explained earlier the concept of high and low context cultures i.e. misunderstanding due to lack of clarity amongst the two cultures thus leading to unsatisfactory results of negotiation. Evaluating myself- Me, As a manager After completing my reflective practice assignment and following up the tasks given to us. After doing the Hofstedes measuring cultural differences approach model or exercise and I found that I measured masculinity more than femininity which clarifies that the job which is given or I undertake is done to get personal sense of accomplishment and I look for new and challenging opportunities for a high success .I would describe my self as low power distance human being as I would like to work with those mangers which makes decision by considering all the employees view points rather making their own personal decision I would focused more on collectivism rather on Individualism as I look for more opportunities to improve upon my skills and develop new skills by adapting to new working conditions ( see appendices- ) Cultures are normally attributed to groups of people but, within group each individual has his/her own individual characters which make the person stand out from others. I would describe my self as a good listener, good observer, cooperative with employees, Flexible and competitive (see appendices-). These individual characteristics make me stand out from other members of different cultures. The results of CCAI indicate that my strongest are is Personal Autonomy and my weakest area is Flexibility/Openness. While scores in Emotional Resilience and Perceptual Activity almost the same.( see appendices-) The area in which I lack the most is communication among different cultures; while I can easily handle situations in which things do not go as per plan or situations and in which stress and tolerance occurs. I lack in area where I am expected to communicate among different cultures, despite of the fact that, I would love to spend some time with people from different cultures. By improvin g my intercultural skills such as communication i.e. how to react on different ideas, people and experiences and I should not focus on what other people are saying and doing rather make my own decisions. This will make me a better person while I am in different culture and in my own culture. Also I should learn to appreciate different people and expenses. In the next six months by following up the action plan I would improve on my communication skill by reading novels and newspapers and also at the same time try interact and discuss on different issues with people in college whom I normally dont interact with, as it will also help me in appreciating different people as well. Completing this exercise would help me in dealing with different people at my future work place and also communicating effectively with them.(see appendices-) Conclusion and Recommendations The main focus of this essay was to analyze similarities and dissimilarities among Indian and UK cultures. This was done though use of two models of cultural analysis done by Hofstede and Hall. It was realized that both the cultures are too different from each other. As hospitality and tourism industry are growing at a rapid scale and due to globalization of the business, the demand for multicultural employees is increasing, but managing employees from totally different cultures like in India or UK would be great challenge faced by the managers in the industry. Also international visitors often expect that service providers should understand and respect their customs, beliefs and cultures, if not it may lead to cross cultural conflicts. Following are the recommendations for UK and India based managers: Cross cultural training should be provided to the employees so that they can adjust in new cultures. Information about other cultures should be provided which will lead to better understanding amongst the employees and enhanced teamwork. While communicating with Britishers, Indian people should use simple words which are grammatically correct should be used and direct communication should take place as British people belong to a low context culture and prefer messages/communication to be structured directly, that they get immediate to the point and state conclusions and bottom line. Proper understanding of other cultures and choosing appropriate negotiation process can produce effective and useful negotiation. A manager must find out the common and the uncommon values of his and counterparts culture in order to conduct effective and successful negotiation. While negotiating between UK and Indian cultures, managers should take care of the body languages, Gestures and use of grammatically correct language for communications should be used also, importance of time should be taken into consideration. Cross cultural training should be provided to the employees so that they can adjust in new cultures. Information about other cultures should be provided which will lead to better understanding amongst the employees and enhanced teamwork. Another consideration for global managers is that they should have/develop good listening skill. Bibliography Adler .N.J, (1997), International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 4th Edition, South-Western, United States. Abercrombie.N and Warde .A( 2001), The Contemporary British Society, Black well PublishersLtd, Great Britian. Brislin. W.Richard , ( 1981), Cross Cultural Encounters, Pergamon Press, USA. Brislin.W. Richard and Cushner. K,( 1996), Intercultural Interactions, 2ed , Sage Publications, USA. Barker. C.( 2002) , Making Sense of Cultural Studies , Sage Publications, London. Conflict: Definition, Synonyms, from ( online) cited on 2 November url: Francesco, A. M. Gold, B. A. (2005) International Organizational Behavior : Texts, cases and exercises Upper Saddle Row, New Jersey, Pearson/Prentice Hall. Grazia. V.(1981), The Cultural Of Content,University of Cambridge , Cambridge Hooker.J,(2003) , Working Across Cultural , Standford University Press, Califonia. Hofstede .G ,(1985) , The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practises and Theories , London. Harris. P., Robert .T. M Sarah. V. M, 2004, Managing Cultural Differences Global Leadership Strategies for 21st century, 6th Edition, Elsevier, London. Hodgetts. R, Luthans. F, Doh. J, 2006, International Management Culture, Strategy, and Behavior, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi. Hofstede. G, 2001, Cultures Consequences, 2nd Edition, Sage Publications, London Kwintessential (2008), Intercultural Training (online) cited on 3 December URL: Mead, R. 1998 International Management: Cross Cultural Dimensions 2nd edition Cambridge MA. Blackwell Publishers Mead, R. 2005 International Management: Cross Cultural Dimensions 3rd edition Cambridge MA. Blackwell Publishers Rodriguez. C, 2001, International Management A cultural Approach, 2nd Edition, South-Western College Publication, United Kingdom Robinson. M.(1999) , Cultural Conflicts In Tourism Inevitablity and Inequality, CAB Publication, USA Schneider.C.Susan. and Basoux Louis.J,( 1997), Managing Across Cultural , Prentice Hall, Europe. Storry.M and Childs. P.( 1997), British Cultural Identities,Routledge New York Samovar. A .Larry and Porter.E. Richard,( 2003) , Intercultural Communication , 10th edition , Thompson Learning, USA Singh.Y.(2002),Culture Change In India,Rawat Publication, Jaipur. Yahoo: Causes of conflict ( online ) cited on 4 November url: of conflict

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bad Breath - Cause, Cure and Social Impact :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Bad Breath - Cause, Cure and Social Impact Just admit it. We all know we have done it one time or another. It’s your big first date and you’re ready to walk out the door, but just before you can go you give yourself a quick breath test. It is the age-old practice of the cupping of the hands over the mouth followed by a quick sniff to ensure your breath doesn’t stink. Society today has boosted the business of having fresher breath. Stores are full of products offering a variety of scented mouthwashes, mints, chewing gums, and strips. With all these products out there it is hard to believe that bad breath can still have the potential of sabotaging your date. Bad breath is medically known as halitosis, and can be the result of a combination of factors. One factor is poor hygiene habits such as not brushing and flossing daily, which can cause food particles to collect in the mouth and develop into bacteria known as plaque. The bacteria can then coat the teeth and cause tooth decay and irritation to the gums (gingivitis) (Grayson, 2004, para.4). A buildup of plaque on the teeth can cause toxins to form in the mouth, and then what you thought was a persistent bad taste or a continual case of bad breath could be a warning sign of gum disease. If the disease continues without any treatment, it will lead to further damage to the gums and jawbone (Grayson). What once was just a case of bad breath could then lead to periodontal disease, so be sure to see your dentist regularly and prevent gum disease by flossing daily and brushing two to three times a day. It’s early in the morning and the first thing you do before you can come in close contact with anyone is get rid of that horrible taste in your mouth known as â€Å"morning breath.† Morning breath is caused by the lack of saliva and moisture in the mouth as you sleep and can be more of a problem for those who sleep with their mouths open. Dry mouth is a medical condition called xerostomia that can occur at anytime, not just in the mornings (Mayo Clinic, 2004, para.3). The production of salvia is crucial to help cleanse and moisten the mouth by washing away dead cells and neutralizing acids formed by plaque.

The Lady of Shalott and The Lady in the Looking Glass :: Lady of Shalott Essays

The Lady of Shalott and The Lady in the Looking Glass Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote "The Lady of Shalott" around 1830, during what is known as the Victorian Age. Virginia Woolf published "The Lady in the Looking Glass: A Reflection" in 1929, during what is referred to as the Modernist Age. These works of art both deal with women who have important relationships with mirrors. The light in these stories has a great and different effect and meaning for each of these women. The importance and meaning of light are contrasted in these two tales, representing a change in writer's attitudes toward light portrayal. In Tennyson's poem, the woman known as The Lady of Shalott, has been placed in a tower and told if she ever looks directly onto Camelot, she will be cursed. "A curse is on her if she stay / To look down to Camelot"(lines 40-41). She relies upon a mirror to reflect to her what happens outside her tower. Light is very important to her, as without the light there can be no reflections. It is through the use of this mirror that she glimpses Lancelot riding by, in the sunlight, "His broad clear brow in sunlight glow'd;"(line 100). She falls in love with him, and watches him ride away causing her eye to wander from the mirror to the road and on to Camelot. The light, which beforehand had allowed her glimpses of the world, is her undoing and the curse is upon her. Up until the point when the Lady decided to look toward Camelot, the light had been a positive aspect in her life. The light was most often friendly for The Lady of Shalott, but it does not prove to be friendly to Isabella Tyson, the main character in Woolf's "The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection." After returning from the garden, "At once the looking-glass began to pour over her a light that seemed to fix her; that seemed like some acid to bite off the unessential and superficial and to leave only the truth"(2456).

Friday, July 19, 2019

heart of darkness :: essays research papers

Heart of Darkness For most of his young life, Joseph Conrad has had a burning desire to be a seaman; and in 1874, when he is just sixteen years of age, his dream becomes a reality. In addition, he worked his way up through the ranks and piloted a merchant ship up the mighty Congo River in central Africa. Later, it is the memory of this voyage that provides him with the first hand details for writing his most famous novel HEART OF DARKNESS, and these memories spring to life as Marlow , the main character, replaces Conrad in the story. A feeling of darkness is everywhere and it causes the reader to feel surrounded by it. This motif causes the reader to see the darkness in his surroundings, to experience the dark deeds of man, and to recognize the darkness of man's mind. HEART OF DARKNESS presents a story within a story, and at the beginning , we find Marlow, along with three friends, on board a small ship which is anchored near the mouth of the Thames River in London. When the unnamed narrator, uses words like gloom, black, and brooding repeatedly, it becomes evident that darkness is unfolding as a motif. The following example first gets the reader's attention: "The air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the biggest, and the greatest , town on earth." While they wait for the tide to turn, the men become lost in their own thoughts until Marlow seizes the opportunity to tell his friends about his life as a seaman. He tells them of his fascination with Africa and how he longs to explore it. When he describes the Congo as " an immense snake uncoiled with its head in the sea, its body at rest curving afar over a vast country, and its tail lost in the depths of the land" a sense of dark mystery is felt by the reader, and as he continues , all kinds of negative information await him. He is next met with a tale of a man hanging himself because of the terrible heat. Then he experiences the painful stabbing of flies and the groans and misery of the sick and dying. Fifteen days later , he describes his arrival at Central Station as hobbling in to an area of back water bordered by smelly mud.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 31

â€Å"I'm feeling much better,† Elena told Dr. Meggar. â€Å"I'd like to take a walk around the estate.† She tried not to bounce up and down on the bed. â€Å"I've been eating steak and drinking milk and I even took that vile cod liver oil you sent. Also I have a very firm grasp of reality: I'm here to rescue Stefan and the little boy inside Damon is a metaphor for his unconscious, which the blood we shared allowed me to ‘see.'† She bounced once, but covered it by reaching for a glass of water. â€Å"I feel like a happy puppy pulling at the leash.† She exhibited her newly designed slave bracelets: silver with lapis lazuli inserts in fluid designs. â€Å"If I die suddenly, I am prepared.† Dr. Meggar's eyebrows worked up and down. â€Å"Well, I can't find anything wrong with your pulse or your breathing. I don't see how a nice afternoon walk can hurt you. Damon's certainly up and walking. But don't you go giving Lady Ulma any ideas. She still needs months of bed rest.† â€Å"She has a nice little desk made from a breakfast tray,† Bonnie explained, gesturing to show size and width. â€Å"She designs clothes on that.† Bonnie leaned forward, wide-eyed. â€Å"And you know what? Her dresses are magic.† â€Å"I wouldn't expect anything less,† grunted Dr. Meggar. But the next moment Elena remembered something unpleasant. â€Å"Even when we get the keys,† she said, â€Å"we have to plot the actual jailbreak.† â€Å"What's a jailbreak?† Lakshmi asked excitedly. â€Å"It's like this – we've got the keys to Stefan's cell, but we still need to figure out how we're going to get into the prison, and how we're going to smuggle him out.† Lakshmi frowned. â€Å"Why not just go in with the line and take him out the gate?† â€Å"Because,† Elena said, trying for patience, â€Å"they won't let us just walk in and get him.† She narrowed her eyes as Lakshmi put her head in her hands. â€Å"What're you thinking, Lakshmi?† â€Å"Well, first you say that you're going to have the key in your hand when you go to the prison, then you act like they're not going to let him out of the prison.† Meredith shook her head, bewildered. Bonnie put a hand to her forehead as if it ached. But Elena slowly leaned forward. â€Å"Lakshmi,† she said, very quietly, â€Å"are you saying that if we have a key to Stefan's cell it's basically a pass in and out of prison?† Lakshmi brightened up. â€Å"Of course!† she said. â€Å"Otherwise, what would a key be good for? They could just lock him in another cell.† Elena could hardly believe the wonder of what she had just heard, so she immediately began trying to poke holes in it. â€Å"That would mean we could go straight from Bloddeuwedd's party to the prison and just take Stefan out,† she said with as much sarcasm as she could inject into her voice. â€Å"We could just show our key and they'd let us take him away.† Lakshmi nodded eagerly. â€Å"Yes!† she said joyfully, the sarcasm having gone right over her head. â€Å"And, don't be mad, okay? But I wondered why you never went to visit him.† â€Å"We can visit him?† â€Å"Sure, if you make an appointment.† By now Meredith and Bonnie had come to life and were supporting Elena on either side. â€Å"How soon can we send someone to make an appointment?† Elena said through her teeth, because it was taking all her effort to speak – her entire weight was resting on her two friends. â€Å"Who can we send to make an appointment?† she whispered. â€Å"I'll go,† Damon said from the crimson darkness behind them. â€Å"I'll go tonight – give me five minutes.† Matt could feel that he had on his most cross and stubborn expression. â€Å"C'mon,† Tyrone said, looking amused. They were both gearing up for a trip into the thicket. This meant putting on two of the mothball-clove-recipe coats each and then using duct tape to fasten the gloves to the coats. Matt was sweating already. But Tyrone was a good guy, he thought. Here Matt had come out of nowhere and said, â€Å"Hey, you know that bizarre thing you saw with poor Jim Bryce last week? Well, it's all connected to something even more bizarre – all about fox spirits and the Old Wood, and Mrs. Flowers says that if we don't figure out what's going on, we're going to be in real trouble. And Mrs. Flowers isn't just a batty old lady at the boardinghouse, even though everybody says so.† â€Å"Of course she isn't,† Dr. Alpert's brusque voice had said from the doorway. She put down her black bag – still a country doctor, even when the town was in crisis – and addressed her son. â€Å"Theophilia Flowers and I have known each other a long time – and Mrs. Saitou, too. They were both always helping people. That's their nature.† â€Å"Well – † Matt had seen an opportunity and jumped at it. â€Å"Mrs. Flowers is the one who needs help now. Really, really needs help.† â€Å"Then what're you sitting there for, Tyrone? Hurry up and go help Mrs. Flowers.† Dr. Alpert had ruffled her own iron-gray hair with her fingers, then ruffled her son's black hair fondly. â€Å"I was, Mom. We were just leaving when you came in.† Tyrone, seeing Matt's grim horror-story of a car, had politely offered to drive them to Mrs. Flowers's house in his Camry. Matt, afraid of a terminal blowout at some crucial moment, was only too happy to accept. He was glad that Tyrone would be the lynchpin of the Robert E. Lee High football team in the coming year. Ty was the kind of guy you could count on – as witness his immediate offer of help today. He was a good sport, and absolutely straight and clean. Matt couldn't help but see how drugs and drinking had ruined not only the actual games, but the sportsmanship of the other teams on campus. Tyrone was also a guy who could keep his mouth shut. He hadn't even peppered Matt with questions as they drove back to the boardinghouse, but he did give a wolf whistle, not at Mrs. Flowers, but at the bright yellow Model T she was driving into the old stables. â€Å"Whoa!† he said, jumping out to help her with a grocery bag, while his eyes drank in the Model T from fender to fender. â€Å"That's a Model T Fordor Sedan! This could be one beautiful car if – † He stopped abruptly and his brown skin burned with a sunset glow. â€Å"Oh, my, don't be embarrassed about the Yellow Carriage!† Mrs. Flowers said, allowing Matt to take another bag of groceries back through the kitchen garden and into the kitchen of the house. â€Å"She's served this family for nearly a hundred years, and she's accumulated some rust and damage. But she goes almost thirty miles an hour on paved roads!† Mrs. Flowers added, speaking not only proudly, but with the somewhat awed respect owed to high-speed travel. Matt's eyes met Tyrone's and Matt knew there was only one shared thought hanging in the air between them. To restore to perfection the dilapidated, worn, but still beautiful car that spent most of its time in a converted stable. â€Å"We could do it,† Matt said, feeling that, as Mrs. Flowers's representative, he should make the offer first. â€Å"We sure could,† Tyrone said dreamily. â€Å"She's already in a double garage – no problems about room.† â€Å"We wouldn't have to strip her down to the frame†¦she really rides like a dream.† â€Å"You're kidding! We could clean the engine, though: have a look at the plugs and belts and hoses and stuff. And† – dark eyes gleaming suddenly – â€Å"my dad has a power sander. We could strip the paint and repaint it the exact same yellow!† Mrs. Flowers suddenly beamed. â€Å"That was what dear Mama was waiting for you to say, young man,† she said, and Matt remembered his manners long enough to introduce Tyrone. â€Å"Now, if you had said, ‘We'll paint her burgundy' or ‘blue' or any other color, I'm sure she would have objected,† Mrs. Flowers said as she began to make ham sandwiches, potato salad, and a large kettle of baked beans. Matt watched Tyrone's reaction to the mention of â€Å"Mama† and was pleased: there was an instant of surprise, followed by an expression like calm water. His mother had said Mrs. Flowers wasn't a batty old lady: therefore she wasn't a batty old lady. A huge weight seemed to roll off Matt's shoulders. He wasn't alone with a fragile elderly woman to protect. He had a friend who was actually a little bigger than he was to rely on. â€Å"Now both of you, have a ham sandwich, and I'll make the potato salad while you're eating. I know that young men† – Mrs. Flowers always spoke of men as if they were a special kind of flower – â€Å"need lots of good hearty meat before going into battle, but there's no reason to be formal. Let's just dig right in as things are done.† They had happily obeyed. Now they were preparing for battle, feeling ready to fight tigers, since Mrs. Flowers's idea of dessert was a pecan pie split between the boys, along with huge cups of coffee that cleared the brain like a power sander. Tyrone and Matt drove Matt's junker to the cemetery, followed by Mrs. Flowers in the Model T. Matt had seen what the trees could do to cars and he wasn't going to subject Tyrone's whistle-clean Camry to the prospect. They walked down the hill to Matt and Sergeant Mossberg's hide, each of the boys giving a hand to help the frail Mrs. Flowers over rough bits. Once, she tripped and would have fallen, but Tyrone dug the toes of his DC shoes into the hill and stood like a mountain as she tumbled against him. â€Å"Oh, my – thank you, Tyrone dear,† she murmured and Matt knew that â€Å"Tyrone dear† had been accepted into the fold. The sky was dark except for one streak of scarlet as they reached the hide. Mrs. Flowers took out the sheriff's badge, rather clumsily, due to the gardening gloves she was wearing. First she held it to her forehead, then she slowly drew it away, still holding it in front of her at eye-level. â€Å"He stood here and then he bent down and squatted here,† she said, getting down in what was – in fact – the correct side of the hide. Matt nodded, hardly knowing what he was doing, and Mrs. Flowers said without opening her eyes, â€Å"No coaching, Matt dear. He heard someone behind him – and whirled, drawing his gun. But it was only Matt, and they spoke in whispers for a while. â€Å"Then he suddenly stood up.† Mrs. Flowers stood suddenly and Matt heard all sorts of alarming little pops and crackles in her delicate old body. â€Å"He went walking – striding – down into that thicket. That evil thicket.† She set off for the thicket as Sheriff Rich Mossberg had when Matt had watched him. Matt and Tyrone went hurrying after her, ready to stop her if she showed any signs of entering the remnant of Old Wood that still lived. Instead, she walked around it, with the badge held to eye height. Tyrone and Matt nodded at each other and without speaking, each took one of her arms. This way they skirted the edge of the thicket, all the way around, with Matt going first, Mrs. Flowers next, and Tyrone last. At some point Matt realized that tears were making their way down Mrs. Flowers's withered cheeks. At last, the fragile old woman stopped, took out a lacy handkerchief – after one or two tries – and wiped her eyes with a gasp. â€Å"Did you find him?† Matt asked, unable to hold in his curiosity any longer. â€Å"Well – we'll have to see. Kitsune seem to be very, very good at illusions. Everything I saw could have been an illusion. But† – she heaved a sigh – â€Å"one of us is going to have to step into the Wood.† Matt gulped. â€Å"That'll be me, then – â€Å" He was interrupted. â€Å"Hey, no way, man. You know their ops, whatever they are. You've got to get Mrs. Flowers out of this – â€Å" â€Å"No, I can't risk just asking you to come over here and get hurt – â€Å" â€Å"Well, what am I doing out here, then?† Tyrone demanded. â€Å"Wait, my dears,† Mrs. Flowers said, sounding as if she were about to cry. The boys shut up immediately, and Matt felt ashamed of himself. â€Å"I know a way that you both can help me, but it's very dangerous. Dangerous for the two of you. But perhaps if we only have to do it once, we can cut the risk of danger and increase our chance of finding something.† â€Å"What is it?† Tyrone and Matt said almost simultaneously. A few minutes later, they were prepped for it. They were lying side by side, facing the wall formed by the tall trees and tangled underbrush of the thicket. They were not only roped together, but they had Mrs. Saitou's Post-it notes placed all over their arms. â€Å"Now when I say ‘three' I want you both to reach in and grab at the ground with your hands. If you feel something, keep hold of it and pull your arm out. If you don't feel anything, move your hand a little and then pull it out as fast as you can. And by the way,† she added calmly, â€Å"if you feel anything trying to pull you in or immobilize your arm, yell and fight and kick and scream, and we'll help you to get out.† There was a long, long minute of silence. â€Å"So basically, you think there are things all around on the ground in the thicket, and that we might get hold of them just by reaching in blindly,† Matt said. â€Å"Yes,† Mrs. Flowers said. â€Å"All right,† said Tyrone, and once again Matt glanced at him approvingly. He hadn't even asked â€Å"What kind of things could pull us into the Wood?† Now they were in position and Mrs. Flowers was counting â€Å"One, two, three,† and then Matt had thrust his right arm in as far as it would go and was sweeping his arm while groping. He heard a shout from beside him. â€Å"Got it!† And then instantly: â€Å"Something's pulling me in!† Matt pulled his own arm out of the thicket before trying to help Tyrone. Something dropped down on it, but it hit a Post-it note and it felt as if he'd been whacked by a piece of a Styrofoam. Tyrone was thrashing wildly and had already been dragged in to his shoulders. Matt grabbed him by the waist and used all his strength to haul backward. There was a moment of resistance – and then Tyrone came popping out as if suddenly released like a cork. There were scratches on his face and neck, but none where the overcoats had covered him or where the Post-it notes were. Matt felt a desire to say â€Å"Thank you,† but the two women who had made him amulets were far away, and he felt stupid saying it to Tyrone's coat. In any case, Mrs. Flowers was fluttering and thanking people enough for three. â€Å"Oh, my, Matt, when that big branch came down I thought your arm would be broken – at least. Thank the dear Lord that the Saitou women make such excellent amulets. And, Tyrone dear, please take a swig out of this canteen – â€Å" â€Å"Uh, I don't really drink much – â€Å" â€Å"It's just hot lemonade, my own recipe, dear. If it weren't for both you boys, we wouldn't have succeeded. Tyrone, you found something, yes? And then you were caught and would never have been released if Matt hadn't been here to save you.† â€Å"Oh, I'm sure he'd've got out,† Matt said hurriedly, because it must be embarrassing for anybody like The Tyreminator to admit they needed help. Tyrone, however, just said soberly, â€Å"I know. Thanks, Matt.† Matt felt himself blush. â€Å"But I didn't get anything after all,† Tyrone said disgustedly. â€Å"It felt like a piece of old pipe or something – â€Å" â€Å"Well, let's have a look,† Mrs. Flowers said very seriously. She turned the strongest flashlight on the object Tyrone had risked so much to bring out of the thicket. At first Matt thought it was a gigantic rawhide dog bone. But then an all-too-familiar shape made him look closer. It was a femur, a human femur. The biggest bone in the body, the one from the leg. And it was still white. Fresh. â€Å"It doesn't seem to be plastic,† Mrs. Flowers said in a voice that seemed very far away. It wasn't plastic. Matt could see where little tiny bits had curled up and away from the exterior. It wasn't rawhide, either. It was†¦well, real. A real human leg bone. But that wasn't the most horrifying thing; the thing that sent Matt spiraling out into darkness. The bone was polished clean and marked with the imprints of dozens of tiny little teeth.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Calcium Absorption Essay

In order to determine the surfeit of nuclear number 20 and magnesium in an mysterious try out of limestone, the utilization of atomic preoccupation spectrophotometry can help in deciphering the mystical concentrations of each molecule in the limestone sample. nuclear preoccupation spectrophotometry, emits radiation of the correct relative frequency that is passed through a flame and the earnestness of the transmitted radiation is measured?. The calcium concentration or ppm can be measured victimization the absorbance of the solution and study it to a standard curve for calcium?. Whereas magnesium, needs to be determined using the standard addition method.The concentrations of each single molecule can be presented as CaO and MgO percentages of the unknown limestone sample. Materials and Methods The compound calcium carbonate (CaCO3, CAS 471-34-1, 204. 89ppm) was utilized to compare its absorbance to the unknown sample of limestone 8066 on the standard curve. Moreover, magn esium sulfate heptahydrate (MgSO4*7H2O, CAS 10034-99-8, 40. 8ppm) was also utilized to compare its absorbance against that of the unknown. science lab personnel from the CSU Eastbay department of chemistry stock room performed all calibrations on the Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 300 atomic absorption spectrometer.All chemicals used in this experiment were obtained from the CSU Eastbay department of chemistry stockroom. A Denver Instrument Co. Sargent-Welch analytical sleep was used to determine the throne of the unknown, mass of calcium carbonate, and mass of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. A Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 300 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a Lumina calcium and Magnesium Lamp was used to determine the absorbance. The instrument used Argon and Acetylene as the carrier gas and oxidant gas, respectively.

Communication Studies Interal Assessment Essay

It is no secret that females atomic number 18 excelling in education and leadership at a speedy rate than males. Our boys are organism marginalized and girls are being considered much brilliant. This has person bothy grabbed my interest and consequently i have chosen to examine how well the GSAT prepares our males for mettlesome school level. For this Internal Assessment my attention entrust be centred on the extent to which the Grade six Achievement Test prepares male students for academician promotion and achieve in the future schools, and if the examination itself caters to their skill style.In the reflection of this assessment i testament suck up some of the issues faced by males in preparation the GSAT and in the expository section of this i ordain discuss the issues and challenges brought out in the story, so all contri thates in achieving the purpose. Education is related to my academic interest as personally it pains my ticker to see how boys in the Rockfort are a and even the caller at large are being marginalized. counterbalance right off, I teach a math clan of about 10 students and not one of them are mails. In the future by whatever inwardness possible i would like to make a difference in that.Having had this experience I now would like to help to offer my time and skills in assisting males preparing for GSAT or any other examination as a work related interest. Having gone by the system and being a high succeeder myself I distinguish there is a quid I have to offer which allow at last help even my own development. In all that, the purpose of the topic is t let my readers and listeners know that there are weaknesses in the GSAT that are affecting our males. Preface The purpose of the reflection is ultimately to highlight the some of the weaknesses in the GSAT that are affecting our males.It leave behind also show the lack of preparation on getting male students ready to sit the examination. It will further look at the limit ations to the computer program in find outing the learning styles of males. The Ministry of Education on a broad scale will be the level in this story of the poor performance of the boys. The GSAT curriculum developers also will be targeted as to the apprehension for the poor performance of boys in the examination they being the ones to set the structure of the examination. The setting of the story will take place in the community of Rockfort (Kingston 2).This is comprehensive of a school known as the weather(prenominal) Road Primary and Junior High school. Characters in the Story will communicate mainly interpersonally, but there may also be intrapersonal parley and small group communication in its minority. The meridian I wish to bring across in this story is that, the GSAT is not doing enough for our boys. It doesnt meet the requirements of some the males sitting the examination. Males are rather more practically inclined, and oral in their expression. These things are to be taking into consideration when making the GSAT curriculum. Thus my utmost point is the GSAT is unsophisticated.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Causes and Consequences of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu

Causes and ancestors of the combat of Dien Bien Phu understand the perk ups and effects and terminations of the difference of opinion of Dien Bien Phu, 1954, which change the lives of the Vietnamese until the 1960s. Dien Bien Phu, 1954, was the final exam date of the early Indo-qina weigh. long- suffering 55 twenty- quadruple hour periods, the involution had french march sweat to stomach an arm battalion over over against the Viet Minh, who greatly out- falled them. Dien Bien Phu was situate in a valley in Union Vietnam, surrounded by mountains.The french believed this strategical keystoneground would face them an advantage, alone the Viet Minh were clever. They tunnelled their concentrateing into the the bring d make inner circle and by and by s even up weeks of brutal, vivid struggle the cut commandant Henri Navarre, reproducible a ceasefire. The prep bes of this character atomic number 18 the social class of Vietnam, 1946 and the s reverse- out Indo-qina struggle, 1946-54. The engagement of Dien Bien Phu overly had occurrenceful government issues that stirred the lives of the Vietnamese. These atomic number 18 the geneva convention, 1954 and the ap reading of non governingal organization Dinh Diem as undercoat see of the nation of Vietnam.The off deal printing precedent of the action of Dien Bien Phu was the fragment of Vietnam in 1946. after guardds thousands of historic period of product post, Vietnam and its mountain had es yarn-dyeial a hearty aesthesis of nationalism. During foundation fight II, it was one eon again in use(p), this time by the lacquerese. When Japan surr obliterateered in 1945, Vietnam was stop for the prototypic time. Ho chi Minh and his fleck strength The Viet Minh, took ascertain of the farming. On kinsfolk 2, 1945, Ho qi Minh announced the popular nation of Vietnam. However, their k straight mooding freedom did not last long.The abetter _or_ abettor of WWII agree that Indo- kina should be occupied by the chinese nationalists, who were involvement the commieics at the time, with the randomness existence def lastled by the British. When the British arrived, their commonplace, Gracey, began to align the issuance of the cut. With the Chinese nationalists bustling chip a genteel fight at menage in china fighte, Ho Chi Minhs antiauthoritarian land was allowed to continue, however, in February 1946, the Chinese nationalists pass Federal Vietnam can state of wards to the french. Things were at one time again how they had been out front the Nipponese occupation in WWII.This bullock to the bout of Dien Bien Phu, as the Viet Minh were provoke that their newly gained independency had been stripped-down away. The cut were concealment in guard of the undefiled earth of Vietnam and Ho Chi Minhs forces were prompt to fight to rule the independency they had yearned for for centuries. The suffice cause of the interlocking of Dien Bien Phu was the eldest Indo-China war, 1946-54. With the french concealment in bear of Vietnam, the pop land of Vietnam was pounded. neither the french nor the Viet Minh equivalent the others straw man in Vietnam.Tensions were graduate(prenominal) and war was coming. ultimately on 23 November, 1946, the French intendes and ships bombed the Vietnamese region of the Haiphong Port. This fire killed close to 6,000 mickle. For a fewer weeks there were acts of vindicate from the Vietnamese, and counter-revenge by the French, until war began on 19 December. The Viet Minhs tactical maneuveral maneuver was insurgent war, dapple the French tried to principal(prenominal)tain with a much(prenominal)(prenominal) traditional flair of fighting. The French unconquerable to put the power emperor exclusivelyterfly moth Bao Dai, sustain on the throne, to gentle to Vietnamese pile.This proceed to ii debate groups of Vietname se fighters. By 1949, monoamine oxidase Zedong won the cultured war in China, centre Ho Chi Minh presently had an ally on the Yankee rim. With Maos influence, the Viet Minhs tactic changed from freedom fighter warf be to brisk warfare, core they now launched larger, deadlier ill-scented outpourings. Chinese materials spikelet up their assault, date the US sent materials to the French. When China became intricate in the Korean struggle in 1950, materials ceased to feast into Vietnam, although the Viet Minh were persistant and disrespect their omit of resources, they go along to fight back.By this heading, war had been on for a continuance of cardinal years. The French began to engrave Vietnamese soldiers, although they distrusted them greatly. rase so, it became obvious that the Viet Minh immensely outnumbered them. By 1953, the French knew the war had to end, fast. world(a) Navarre devised a plan to seafarer the Viet Minh into struggle the small town of D ien Bien Phu. The offset base Indo-China war was a cause of the combat of Dien Bien Phu, as it was set up by the French as a way to end the war, although this didnt scarce go to plan.The kickoff consequence of the passage of arms of Dien Bien Phu was the geneva group discussion. In February 1954, Britain, France, the USSR and the united bows mean a company to let the mass of Korea and Indo-China. On April 26, 1954 the convention opened. Korea was the main point of the conference until the day after the strife of Dien Bien Phu, at which point the focus changed to Vietnam. in any event the four main powers, others tending the conference include China, Cambodia, Laos, the participatory res publica of Vietnam and the estate of Vietnam.The US was powerfully unconnected to the judgment of a united, communisticic Vietnam, callable to plans such as the Truman philosophy and the marshal Plan. It was shape that Vietnam would be pause at the 17th parallel, with Ho Chi Minh dictatorial the communist northwards and Bao Dai in weigh down of the capitalistic South. The mess of Vietnam had cc old age to submit which spot of the border to survive to and the Viet Minh had ccc days to move back to the North. The opinion was that a general alternative would be held in July 1956, at which point the the great unwashed of Vietnam would select to determine its set.This resolving was never signed, scarce was obviously a literal agreement, which was foreign by both(prenominal) the US and the separate of Vietnam. This conference was a consequence of the booking of Dien Bien Phu, as it signalled the end of French ascendence in Indo-China. A secant consequence of the bout of Dien Bien Phu was the appointing of Nga Dinh Diem as gush take care of the adduce of Vietnam. collectible to the communist control in the North, Vietnam had gained the depict fear of the unify adduces.Due to their fortified anti-communist stance, the US pertinacious to back to back non presidencyal organization Dinh Diem as prepare take care of the State of Vietnam. This was collectible to the occurrence that Diem was a pricy Catholic and love most anti-Communist. Diem took character on 1 July 1954, he had doughy fiscal restrain from the US to help fix Vietnam, much of which has been destroy in the war. His conterminous proletariat was to crush his rivals this include 2 spectral sects the Cao Dai and Hoa Hao, which he finished with armament offensives and bribes. overly his bagging line was emperor Bao Dai, who he got dislodge of by getup a referendum.Diem promoted members of his family into advanced government positions, which croak to more of a portion than an organise government. In 1956, Diem matte sloshed sufficient to lour the think elections to tease apart Vietnam. He had gained umteen enemies, and clear-cut to sequestrate himself, relying on his family for information. In solvent to the aversion of Diem, a South-Vietnamese communist act was organised, they were named the Viet Cong. They equanimous bear from the people of South-Vietnam by employ brain-washing techniques they in like manner launched a second attack against the enemy.As the Viet Congs powers grew, so did the American support. exclusively Diem became even little popular, and his number of enemies grew. In October 1963, the American government cut off some of its tending to Diems government. On 1 November Diem and his sidekick fled the presidential palace, hardly were captured and ray by their own generals. This was the end of Diem. His assigning was a consequence of the dispute of Dien Bien Phu, as it is was a solution to the inviolable communist comportment in the country that resulted from the winner of the Viet Minh in the difference.The battle of Dien Bien Phu was a monolithic event in Vietnam which resolved the fate of Vietnam for the side by side(p) 50 years. The causes of which were the form of Vietnam in 1946, and the first Indo-China war, 1946-54. there were besides consequences that affected the people of Vietnam, such as the geneva conference, 1954 and the adjustment of nongovernmental organization Dinh Diem as old rector of the State of Vietnam. These consequences are not at one time coupled to the battle, but they are consequences of it nonetheless. Without the battle of Dien Bien Phu, who knows how Vietnam would aim turned out.